SC LINK PRO is designed for offline/online programming & simulation and TouchKey debugging of SC92F/93F/95F series MCU
Operating Voltage: 2.4V ~ 5.5V
Operating Temperature: -40 ~ 85℃
Core: 1T 8051
Flash ROM: 8K bytes Flash ROM (MOVC prohibited addressing 0000H ~ 00FFH) can be rewritten for 10, 000 times
IAP: Code option into 0K, 0.5K, 1K or 8K
EEPROM: independent 128 bytes EEPROM can be rewritten for 100,000 times. The data written-in has more than 10-year preservation life.
SRAM: Internal 256 bytes
System Clock (fSYS):
l Built-in high-frequency 24MHz oscillator (fHRC)
l As the system clock source, fSYS can be set to 24MHz (3.7-5.5V), 12/6/2MHz (2.4-5.5V) by programmer selection.
l Frequency Error: Suitable for (4.0V ~ 5.5V )and( -20 ~ 85℃ )application environment, no more than ±1% of frequency error
Built-in Low-Frequency 128 kHz Oscillator (LRC):
l Clock source of Base Timer (BTM), which can wake up the SC92F735X from stop mode
l Clock source of Watch Dog Timer (WDT)
l Frequency Error: Suitable for 2.9V ~ 5.5V and -20 ~ 85℃ application environment, no more than ±4% of frequency error
Low-voltage Reset (LVR):
l 4-level LVR voltage options: 4.3V, 3.7V, 2.9V, 2.3V
l The default is the Code Option value selected by the user
Flash Programming interface:
l 2-wire JTAG programming interface
Interruption (INT):
l 9 interrupt sources: Timer0, Timer1, Timer2, INT0, INT2, ADC, PWM, UART and Base Timer.
l 2 external interrupt vectors shared by 6 interrupt ports, all of which can be defined in rising-edge, falling-edge or dual-edge trigger mode.
l Two-level interrupt priority capability
Digital Peripheral:
l Up to 6 bidirectional independently controllable I/O interfaces, able to configure pull-high resistor independently
l P0/P2 ports with 4-level drive capability
l All I/Os equipped with sink current drive capability (47 mA)
l 11-bit WDT with optional clock division ratio
l 3 standard 80C51 Timer/Counters: Timer0, Timer1 and Timer2
l Two 8-bit PWM output channels with variable period and individual duty cycle
l 1 independent communication interface: UART
Analog Peripheral:
l 5-channel 12-bit ±2LSB ADC
n Built-in 2.4V reference voltage
n 2 options for ADC reference voltage: VDD and internal 2.4V
n Internal one-channel ADC, where VDD can be measured directly
n ADC conversion completion interrupt
Power Saving Mode:
l IDLE Mode: can be woken up by any interrupt.
l STOP Mode: can be woken up by INT0 , INT2 and Base Timer